Frequently Asked Questions

Why Play The Real Monopoly? Why Buy Real Estate?

“Ninety percent of all millionaires become so through owning real estate. More money has been made in real estate than in all industrial investments combined. The wise young man or wage earner of today invests his money in real estate.” - Andrew Carnegie, billionaire industrialist
Real Estate is an essential need

Real estate is the “shelter” that is essential for human survival and it is as important as having food and water to live. The majority of people on earth live in a home and go to a place to work. Real Estate is an essential need.

Just like Gold, Real Estate is an appreciating asset. Real Estate over the long term rises in value as there is only so much land on earth that can be developed. When the inventory for housing is limited and the aging and growing population continues to rise, this is one of the primary reasons real estate prices rise over time.


Real Estate is a Fundamental Asset Class to preserve wealth
Real Estate has Enormous Leveraging Power.
Real Estate Mortgage Debt can be an Asset!
Why Not Buy Other Assets?

Who can Play The Real Monopoly?

Just like in the game, The Real Monopoly is for all ages. Whether you are ready to start your portfolio today, learning how to play the game successfully by understanding the principles and fundamental rules behind building real estate wealth can begin as early as the age of 6. Comprised by the accumulated knowledge of experience obtained from the best teachers in the industry, like Donald Trump, Robert Kiyosaki, Ken McElroy, Grant Cardone, and other Social Media influencers alike, The Real Monopoly will give you the essential foundation of education necessary to succeed in achieving your Real Estate Wealth Objective.

When is the right time to play the Real Monopoly? When should I buy Real Estate?

It is never too late to start. Purchasing Real Estate is like planting an Apple Tree. If you don’t plant the seed, you cannot grow your wealth. It starts with the first tree (your first principle home). When the tree matures (property grows in value) and begins to blossom with apples, you plant more seeds (build your portfolio) and continue to grow your wealth. As real estate appreciates in value over time, the best time to start is now. Are you ready to play The Real Monopoly? In order to start building your portfolio, there are 3 main ingredients: 1)Upfront Capital Savings for down payment and closing closing costs 2)Credit Qualification and the mortgage approval 3)The experience of finding and successfully managing your investment If you have 1) and 2), we have the experience to guide you in building your portfolio successfully. And even if you only have 1 of the 3 ingredients, we can still get you started and help you play!

Where to Play?

You can play anywhere in the world. Most will play where you live as it is convenient to do so. But the best place to play is where it is growing the fastest and achieving the greatest capital appreciation. Toronto, Ontario is the fastest growing city in North America. As the financial and economic center of Canada, Toronto attracts more than 100,000 new immigrants a year. As the population continues to expand, the surrounding GTA and cities outside are growing even faster in capital appreciation. Speak to us today and learn where you can build your portfolio to generate maximum returns!

What to Play?

Real Estate works just like Gold. You can invest and purchase a small gold coin or a large gold bar. The value will grow at the same rate. The more gold you buy, the more you make. Real Estate opportunities come in all shapes and sizes. Choosing the right one for you entirely depends on your current financial position and the resources you have readily available: i. The upfront capital you have saved for a downpayment and closing costs ii. The Credit you require to qualify for a mortgage iii. The Partners that can help you obtain (i). & (ii.) Your financial position will determine your budget which will subsequently determine what is the right investment to choose from. We can help you determine your Financial Position today. The value of real estate is driven by these main factors in order of greatest impact: 1) The size of the land the property resides on 2) The maximum utilization of the property 3)The condition of the property We can help you determine what is the right investment for your budget.